tirsdag 4. januar 2011

7 Innovation Secrets of Steve Jobs

Happy New Year! 2011 has finally arrived, and I'm looking forward to new innovative gadgets that I can put my hands on! I have to admit, that personally, 2010 was a year that I willingly bought several Apple products without giving them second thoughts. Their eye-candy design, intuitive user interface and simplicity are many of the obvious selling points on the radar.

Of course, many have wondered, how is Apple able to introduce these highly desirable products? I believe the answer is in many ways quite complex (i.e. design, simplicity, business model innovation, innovation culture and uncovering hidden user needs). Nevertheless, below is a presentation of 7 innovation secrets from Steve Jobs - deriving from his personal entrepreneurial success. The principles are outlined by Carmine Gallo in his new book, The Innovation Secrets of Steve Jobs (McGraw-Hill (MHP), October 2010).

The 7 Principles of Innovation according to this book are:
1. Do what You Love
2. Put a Dent in the Universe
3. Kick-Start Your Brain
4. Sell Dreams, Not Products
5. Say No to 1,000 Things
6. Create Insanely Great Experiences
7. Master the Message

7 Innovation Secrets of Steve Jobs

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